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Circular: Reporting of vessel calls to Russia and transiting Russian territorial waters

By Guy Pierpoint
Portfolio Manager, P&I

The UK General licence dated 17 March 2022, requires Insurers and Reinsurers domiciled or operating from the UK to collect information on vessels calling at Russian ports or transiting through Russian waters. They can only insure these voyages subject to the terms of the General Licence.

Therefore, please provide your usual Underwriting contact with details of all relevant voyages with effect from 17 March 2022. Going forward please ensure this information is supplied to British Marine prior to voyages taking place for our approval and sanctions checks.

A copy of the General Trade Licence (the “Licence”) can be found here

The information required is:

  • a description of the act;
  • a description of any goods, technology, services or funds to which the act relates;
  • the date of the act or the dates between which the act took place;
  • the quantity of any goods or funds to which the act relates;
  • [the Insurer’s] name and address;
  • the name and address of any consignee of goods to which the act relates or any recipient of technology, services or funds to which the act relates;
  • in so far as it is known to [the Insurer’s], the name and address of the end-user of the goods, technology, services or funds to which the act relates;
  • if different from [the Insurer’s], the name and address of the supplier of any goods to which the act relates

A copy of the declaration form can be downloaded below:
