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Concentrated Inspection Campaign 2021 - Stability in General

A Port State Control (PSC) concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on ‘Stability in General’ will run from 1 September 2021 until 30 November 2021


Although principally organised by the Paris and Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regions, it is understood that the Black Sea, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, Riyadh and Vina del Mar MoU’s will also take part in this campaign. It is expected that the focus of the attending Port State Control Officer (PSCO) will be to confirm that the vessel Master and responsible officers are fully familiar with the vessel’s stability condition and the main factors effecting the vessel stability.

As basic good housekeeping in advance of this CIC we would recommend that the following items are checked.

Stability Booklet

This should be readily available, approved by the current flag state administration, and printed in the working language of the vessel.

Stability Instrument (if fitted)

This should also be approved by current flag state administration with all calculated results generated in the working language of vessel. An operating manual should be available along with approved test conditions for the unit. Results of annual testing to be available for demonstration on request. It should be clear that this is a supplement to the hard copy stability booklet.

Stability Calculation

The current stability condition should be available on demand, with responsible officers able to describe the present condition. Where necessary it should be updated as required to reflect changes to the vessel’s stability during the voyage. Copies of stability calculations should be available for previous voyages, at least in accordance with any record keeping requirements within the company SMS.

Cargo Plan

This should accurately reflect the cargo status and match the stability calculation. Responsible officers should be able to compare the current state of cargo operations with the present stability condition.

Inherent Intact Stability Problems

All responsible officers should be aware of any operational limits to maintain adequate stability. Ideally such limits should be prominently posted within the cargo/ballast control space.

Operational Concerns Unique to Vessel Trade

Any required documentation, such as a cargo loading manual or grain loading manual specific to the vessels trade should be available and up to date.

Damage Stability

Requirements should be fulfilled in accordance with type, gross tonnage and age of vessel. Special care should be taken to exhibiting the plan at the required locations along with damage control booklets as necessary. The plans and booklets should be in the working language of the vessel. Master and responsible officers should be familiar with the contents.

The supplementary questionnaire to be used by PSCO’s as part of their routine inspections can be found here